Signs of low self esteem
Some people are very aware that they have low self esteem and find this a daily challenge. For others, low self esteem drives other issues such as perfectionism, depression, anxiety, difficulties in relationships, or an eating disorder. In these cases low self esteem may be ‘masked’ by the other difficulties. For a lot of people low self esteem will have been an issue for as long as they can remember, and for others it may have been triggered by a more recent event or series of events that have resulted in a reduction in their feelings of worth.
Some common symptoms of low self worth are:
Believing yourself to be inadequate in comparison to others
Fearing that if others ‘saw the real you’ they would become uninterested or reject you
Being aware of keeping a ‘mask’ on at all times so that people do not see the real you
Fearing that you will not make anything of yourself at work or in relationships
Constantly criticising yourself for your mistakes or for perceived flaws in your appearance
Being extremely sensitive to any perceived criticism
Hearing criticism when others may not
Feeling inadequate in relationships, or at work
Avoiding relationships, events or opportunities for a fear of being judged or getting things wrong
A belief that you wont be able to achieve what you would like to
Feeling that you are always the one in the wrong, or frequently fearing that you have done something wrong
Low self-esteem does not mean that there is anything wrong with you. On the contrary, it is a condition that can be treated. If you would like to discuss this further, do contact us.